Shoah Remembrance
The word Holocaust means sacrifice by fire. The reason that some Jews instead refer to the atrocities by the word Shoah, is because they believe that the word sacrifice almost gives sense to the senseless killings committed by the Nazis from 1933-1945. Shoah is a Hebrew word meaning catastrophe, and that is truly the best way to remember the murder of over 6,000,000 Jews and other minorities. With the anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic comments made by many that refer to the Shoah as the excuse for a Jewish State, the word sacrifice can play into this. If you put the Jewish State to the side, please take a moment to remember the terrible catastrophes that ended less than 70 years ago. From whatever background you come from or whatever viewpoint you have, just think about the lives of those millions of innocent children, women and men that were taken. Over 6,000,000 human beings, killed for something they couldn't control.
It is only with remembrance and acceptance that we can stop these sort of catastrophes from ever happening again.
Never Forget. Never Again.
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