Friday, 31 January 2014

Favourite Twitter Hatemail of the Week

As much as I love Twitter, is is admittedly a soapbox for those with the most absurd, disgusting, insane, wacky, and generally stupid things to say. Every week, it seems, we're set to get a good share of idiotic tweets from idiotic people. They're often quite funny and sometimes quite enlightening- a chance to expose and explain the crazy lies that have unfortunately entered the consciousness of both the media and the public at large. Without further ado:

"You belong to Khazaria"
The classic "all Jews belong to Khazaria" myth. The Khazars were a Turkic people who existed in the 700's. With that myth, people try to deny that there is any link whatsoever between the Jews and the land of Israel. This is an extreme lie, and a classic piece of anti-Semitism made famous by Helen Thomas when she said that the Jews should "go back to Poland and Germany" a few years back.

However, many Jews are actually from the Middle East, India, and North as well as sub-Saharan Africa. Jews do not come from Khazaria and DNA has proved that. Jews do not have Turkic DNA but contrastingly, DNA that comes from the Middle East according to any studies. Culturally, Ashkenazi European Jews have no Turkish or Asian customs. Linguistically, the Yiddish language has no Turkish influences. Meanwhile, history shows that only around 100 of the Khazarian elite converted to Judaism, and there is no proof of any mass conversion of the rest of the population at all. Because clearly, there wasn't one.

In any case, this theory acts as if the only Jews that exist are Ashkenazi Jews from Europe. It utterly disregards Mizrachi or Eastern Jews as well as Sephardic Jews from North Africa, who lived in the Middle East for thousands of years, practiced Judaism and maintained the customs of the Jewish people with no 'mass conversions' or 'foreign influences' to even be suggested. Sephardic Jews form around 50% of the Israeli population.

"The British gave the Jews the land of the indigenous people of Palestine"'
Here again, the myth of the indigenous people of Palestine. So, as late as 985 (according to the Muslim Arab writer Al-Muqdassi) the Jews constituted the majority of Jerusalem. In the 1300's, Ibn Khaldun (one of the most famous Arab historians) wrote: "Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel extended over 1400 years... It was the Jews who implanted the culture and customs of the permanent settlement". Yet above all, in 1695 the Dutch linguist and cartographer Adriaan Reland visited the land of Israel to write a book, Palestina. He documented the names of over 2000 settlements in the land and sourced the origin of the name to the Bible, the Talmud, or a Greco-Latin word. Yet as late as 1695, despite there being Ottoman settlement by then, there was not a single settlement with an original Arab name with a historical Muslim or Arab root. Most of the inhabitants of the area were Jews, the others were Christians according to Reland. Muslims were a tiny minority in the region. In his book (which is available on Google) the town of Umm el-Fahem was a village of 10 Christian families. Over 300 years, it somehow grew to be an Arab city of over 43,000 Muslims. So those Christian families converted to Islam and had a breedathon? Nah. 

That, and why is there no Palestinian culture? No Palestinian language? No Palestinian leaders or movements or countries that span back more than 200 years? No original Palestinian word for 'Palestine'? (A word that has a Hebrew root) and no Palestinian language or dialect from before 1911? (Palestinian Arabic was regarded as Syrian Arabic until 1911) Why do Palestinians identify as Arab Muslims, the people who invaded the land in the late 600's, and only invoke the idea of being 'natives' when it plays at the heartstrings of Westerners? Why can less than 50% of Palestinians trace their heritage back more than 3 generations?

And contrastingly: Why are the Jews the only ones with a claim; linguistic, historical, cultural, religious, and moral, to the land? Why is Hebrew the only 'canaanite' language alive, the Canaanites being the very first inhabitants of the land? Why does Jewish history include the history of the region, and why do Jews pray facing Jerusalem? Looks like the Jews are the true natives... 

"You're dumber than a bag of bagels"
This Tweet made me laugh. But it also made me hungry. So I went to the bakery and got some bagels, and I will eat them for lunch. :))

"the good ppl of earth dont need your media 2 tell us that israel is evil & needs to stop stealing land, go2 hell"

To quote @FriendsOfBibi : "I'd rather go to hell than this dude's idea of heaven."

"You are Right. The British gaveToThe Jews theLand ofThe indigenousPeople of Palestine whoAre the Palestinians.YouBelong 2Khazaria"

A culmination of the Khazaria myth, paired with the indigenous people myth, into a cocktail of bullcrap. ("You are right" is to my sarcastic comment: "10,000 Palestinians over 65 years is worth 17 million people over 4?")

So according to this lunatic:

The 10,000 Palestinians who have died over the course of 65+ years in a wartime situation.

are equivalent to/worth more than:

The lives of 6 million Jews as well as 11 million people from other groups, being exterminated for their race, religion or ethnicity. This is just a show of how insane these people are, how they foam at the mouth with hatred and actually believe that the Jews are some sort of murderous monsters that must be compared with the Nazis. Oh well. 

Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing! Shabbat Shalom!

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